How to cut and serve a Wedding Cake? Use our beautiful servers, of course!

“Serve your Wedding Cake on your Special Day with Tiffinware’s beautiful cake servers, customised to match your theme.”

Cake Servers, silver plate, handmade, with interchangeable glass beads

Cake Servers, silver plate, handmade, with interchangeable glass beads

I never knew cutting and serving a wedding cake was such an exact science! I have to admit I never really thought about it before. I’m thinking about it now, as I’ve just asked me whether we have a template!! Sadly not! But I will certainly sort one out, pronto!

When we got married someone dealt with serving ours, we just cut our Wedding Cake grinning away, and were served some, not that I would have remembered what it was like, except we saved the top tier for our first child’s Naming ( just like a Christening) Ceremony, when she was several months old, It was a good old fruit cake, built to last and still delicious over a year later!!

Nowadays, the choices –  chocolate, white truffle, coffee or caramel and….. I can’t even remember the names rattled off by the young lady who was about to seal the deal and had chosen a soft ‘Summer’ pale blue and honey glass bead colour option for her themed Cake Serving Slice and Knife Set, which would match her bridesmaids pale blue dresses, which were off-set by apricot and honey posies.

So I set to, looking for a template and lo and behold, there’s even a cake cutting section in!! I suppose this is where I belong too, as I certainly need a lesson in this art. “The wedding cake is usually displayed from the beginning of the reception, so choose a filling and icing that can hold up for the duration. If you’re adding special lighting to the room, add a spotlight for the cake table. Otherwise, park it somewhere well lit and in full sight of the guests, but off the dance floor, or it might wind up on the floor during the first fast dance. Keep in mind the time of year and the length of time the cake will be on display so it doesn’t begin collapsing by the time it’s cut.”

Thank goodness for wedding planners, I say, otherwise I’ll have to remember all this significant information when my children get married! There’s stuff about sturdy tables, and tall cakes looking miniscule, tables on wheels vs light cakes for easy carrying, tables decorated with swags, sprigs and held together with safety pins. Then the all important photos with ‘the couple’ and the question of icing spoiling their clothes. Hopefully, ‘the couple’ will not be the charmers who smear cake into each others faces, but a sweet and sentimental pair who enjoy a beautiful, romantic moment, frozen in time. The eating of the cake was the first ‘meal’ the newlyweds shared. The cake cutting also signaled the few moments before the bride and groom set off for their honeymoon, whilst the party continued behind them.

Its all changed, now anything goes!

Back to the all-important cake cutting etiquette: the groom places his right hand over the bride’s, which holds the knife, together they cut a small piece, and the groom feeds the wife first – a small mouthful and vice versa, if they’re feeling generous they will serve a plate to the new in-laws. Some couples prefer to do away with this whole antiquated ritual, they could tempt fate or the superstition of the old wives tale, and risk remaining childless!

How to cut a wedding cake correctly? I assume what they really mean is cutting the cake in such a manner that every guest receives a morsel – that is really all you get, let’s be honest?! So…..start cutting the cake (if its round) as if you were cutting a square from the back, left to right, back to front on the right, left to right at the front and back to front on the left. You should now have a square within your round cake. Now cut thin slices out of the outside pieces (ie those outside your square). Once the outside pieces are cut and plated up, cutting the remaining square should be relatively simple! Just make sure you have enough to go round before you start – work out the number of guests you need to serve, and that is what the sweet young bride was asking me.

If you have a square cake, I think you should be able to figure this out yourself!! If not, go out and buy Cake Cutting for Dummies!

I did step up and produce a template!

This exercise has made me realise that everything has become extremely organised – not the spontaneous chaos of our wedding day!!

I hope this post has helped at least one other person in need! Please do let me know. Better still, send us photographs, we always love to have a peek at weddings, cakes, fabulous clothes and of course, best of all, our Cake Serving Sets dressed up in the theme of the day!

Wedding Cake Serving Set, silver plated, with beads

Wedding Cake Serving Set; Cake Serving Slice and Knife, beaded, handmade.