Did you eat pancakes with honey on Pancake Day?

Pancake Day, or correctly Shrove Tuesday is a Christian holiday, always the seventh week before Easter, and this year it was on 12th February. Hard lines if you thought you’d be gorging on choccies received on Valentine’s Day!

Shrove Tuesday (also known as Fat Tuesday – I wonder why – haha!!) is the day preceding Ash Wednesday, which is the first day of Lent. Many Christians give up something for Lent, its a good way to go on a short diet, deprive yourself of something yummy for 6 weeks, then binge on Easter Eggs!

Pancakes were eaten as they are made out of sugar, fat, flour and eggs, and the consumption of these foods was traditionally restricted during the ritual fasting during Lent.

Traditionally you are supposed to sprinkle your pancake with sugar and a squeeze of lemon. We think honey is much tastier – make sure you drizzle your pancakes with honey using your Wiggly Stem Spoon, stored in your lovely Ribbed Honey Pot!

Silver plated, beaded Honey Ladle, Honey Spoon and ribbed Honey Pot

Honey Ladle, beaded Wiggly Stem Honey Spoon and Ribbed Honey Pot with Lid – all silver plated.

Today people give up drinking, sweets, go vegetarian for Lent …… what have you given up? Honey?!